
Correcting errors usually take more time to fix than doing the thing properly. Rushing through things increases the likelihood of making a mistake. If this mistake or error makes you dependent on someone else it’ll take even longer. What might have taken five minutes if done correctly and thought about twice could end up taking hours just to correct, let alone all the stress and wasted thought which would be caused by thinking about how things went wrong and how you need to correct them. In the case you did make a mistake, it is what it is, there is no point to stress about the downside of it, instead, look at how you can correct it. Ask yourself great questions that help you resolve it, e.g. ask “how can I resolve this the best way so I feel great again?”.

It’s human to make mistakes, it’s how we learn, therefore, be okay that you made the mistake and make sure you learn something. Learning something at least makes the mistake worth something and in the long run, it could actually be worth more than the price you had to pay by that delay. It’s especially okay to make mistakes when the stakes aren’t high yet, even then it’s okay and you just see what you can do to correct them and make sure that they don’t happen again. At the end of the day a mistake, is just caused by your behavior, and behavior can’t be bad or good, it’s just behavior.

Have a great weekend!